Category Archives: General


MyMakarapa recently had an order all the way from the frozen North and a pair of makarapas below will soon be winging their way to hockey fans in Canada.

While we can’t vouch for their ability to keep heads warm, we guarantee that our makarapas will raise the heat in the arena. Check them out:

Mad makarapa sale

It’s finally here!

To mark the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games, MyMakarapa, as the official makarapa supplier to Team South Africa, is offering this exclusive Team SA supporter’s makarapa for the special price of only R100:

We’ve got a limited number in stock (they’re all hand-made, after all), so contact us today and place your orders!


MyMakarapa gets around part 2

Two great makarapa sightings last week.

The first was at OR Tambo, at the send-off for Team South Africa as they prepared to board their flight to London. SA National Women’s hockey captain Marsha Marescia was spotted wearing one of our official London 2012 Team South Africa makarapas (reportedly borrowed from David O’Sullivan, so hats off to him):

The second was at the Oval during the first test between the Proteas and England. We managed to snap a pic of this loyal Proteas supporter wearing a MyMakarapa makarapa. Kudos to him for flying the flag overseas!

As you can see, we love it when our makarapas are seen out and about. So send your pics to mymakarapa [at] and you might just seen them featured on this blog!

MyMakarapa hard at work

With 18 days until the start of the London Olympics, MyMakarapa has been hard at work preparing out Official Team South Africa Makarapas. It’s no mean feat, but we’re pleased to announce that we’re well on our way to getting them done!

Check out some of our makarapas in progress:

PS: Congratulations to Oscar Pistorious on being selected for South Africa’s 2012 Olympic team, and to Roger Federer for clinching his seventh Wimbledon championship.

The greatest upsets in sports history

Lukas Rosol turned the tennis world upside down this week. The Czech, ranked 100 in the world, produced an amazing display of power hitting to send number 2 seed and two-time champion Rafael Nadal crashing out of Wimbledon.

Commentators described Rosol’s victory as one of the greatest upsets in the history of tennis. In years to come, fans will probably be talking about it alongside these other highly unlikely sporting outcomes:

Chelsea 2 – Barcelona 0, 2012 Champions League Semifinal

Despite narrowly clinching victory in the first leg, most people expected Chelsea to wilt in the face of an onslaught from Barcelona side that had swept all before them.

When Chelsea lost their two best defenders, to an injury and red card respectively, a win for Barca looked even more inevitable.

However, it was not to be, as Chelsea formed a blue wall to stifle the Catalan tide, securing an unlikely win and setting the stage for their eventual tournament triumph.

Check out our range of English Premier League makarapas!

Mohammed Ali vs George Foreman, 1974 World Heavyweight Championship

Ali was a great champion in his prime. But, after years of legal trouble, he was long past his prime when he faced George Foreman for the World Championship, in a bout dubbed “The Rumble in the Jungle”.

Foreman, on the other hand, was one of the most formidable champions in the history of boxing. Most experts expected Ali to be overwhelmed by Foreman’s sheer strength and power, but Ali’s “rope-a-dope” strategy ultimately provided him with an unexpected and physically punishing victory.

South Africa 15 – New Zealand 12, 1995 Rugby World Cup final

South Africa’s success in the 1995 tournament seemed like a fairytale to Springbok supporters. But few outside the host country gave them a chance of overcoming a New Zealand team that included the legendary likes of Jonah Lomu, Sean Fitzpatrick and Zinzan Brooke.

Springbok supporters, however, never stopped believing, and the Boks surprising run through the tournament culminated in a hard-fought victory in the final and arguably the most important result in the history of South African sport.

We love the Bokke, check out our SA Rugby makarapas!

MyMakarapa in action!

England salvaged a measure of pride with a hard-fought draw in the third test against the Springboks. The tourists can return to the UK with their heads held high, as can their supporters who were lucky enough to pick up some fantastic makarapas from MyMakarapa.

MyMakarapa were hard at work at Ellis Park before the second test last Saturday:

Well done to the Springboks for their series victory and to England for never giving up!

Hats off to SA’s Olympians!

This week, South Africa’s provisional squad for the London 2012 Olympics was announced.

As the official makarapa supplier to Team South Africa, MyMakarpa would like to like to offer a hearty congratulations and best wishes to all the elite athletes who made the team!

We’re sure you’ll do us proud in London; we’re sure a few golden makarapas will be just the thing to compliment the medals you’ll be bringing home.



MyMakarapa heads to Durban!

MyMakarapa has just packaged and shipped our first consignment of custom-made makarapas. They’re headed for Durban, which should come as some consolation to Sharks supporters after their shocking loss to the Lions on Saturday night.

Here they are, all boxed and ready to go:

So if you’re in Durban, keep an eye our for a custom-made Makarapa by MyMakarapa. Appearing soon on a head near you!

100 Days to go!

Much like MyMakarapa, South Africa’s Paralympic athletes consistently prove their excellence on the world stage.

So, with 100 days to go until the 2012 London Paralympics, it makes sense for MyMakarapa to get fully behind our paralympians as they set out to once again bring home the gold.

After all, we are the official Makarapa supplier to SASCOC and Team South Africa!

The launch of the 100 day countdown to the games is set to take place in Cape Town later today. Stay tuned to MyMakarapa for all the latest Olympic news and, of course, all your Makarapa-related needs.

MyMakarapa gets a brand new business site

MyMakarapa has a shiny new business website, thanks to Google and Woza Online.

Check  it out here: You can take a look at our products, read our story, view our pics and get in touch.

Loyal blog readers needn’t worry though. We’re not going anywhere and will continue to bring you all the latest makarapa-related developments, as and when they happen.